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Wednesday Lunch: Election forecasts: why they are difficult and maybe useful

Speaker: Anders Løland, Assistant Research Director, Norwegian Computing Center.

Abstract: After Nate Silver's initial success in the presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, many forecasters failed completely in 2016. Why did this happen? We at 169.no are trying to forecast this year's Norwegian parliamentary election, and will describe and discuss in somewhat broad terms how and possibly why our model works. 

The lunch starts at 12:00, and the talk will start around 12:20.

NB: Wednesday BigInsight Lunches are open to staff and students from any of the BigInsight partners, including UiO, but not to others.


Ullevål Stadion, Sognsveien 77B

Tidligere arrangement: 1. september
Honorary Doctorate talks
Senere arrangement: 20. september
Wednesday Lunch: Epigram / Gjensidige