Lars Henry Berge Olsen from BigInsight successfully defended his thesis

BigInsight congratulates Lars Henry Berge Olsen from BigInsight and the Department of Mathematics, who successfully defended his thesis "What’s in the Black Box? Improving the Shapley Value Explanation Methodology" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor on February 7, 2025.

Main research findings:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning models are increasingly used in predictive tasks across various sectors, e.g., finance, healthcare, and retail, due to their high-performance accuracy. However, their predictions are often impossible to understand due to their opaque decision-making processes. To address this issue and comply with regulations like the EU AI Act, explainable AI (XAI) has emerged to explain how and why the model reached specific predictions. A prominent XAI framework is Shapley values, which originated in cooperative game theory in the 1950s but is today extensively used as a tool that can explain predictions made by any model.

This thesis improves the Shapley value explanation methodology in four key areas: developing methods to incorporate feature dependencies into the explanations, making them more precise and trustworthy; categorizing both existing and novel methods into distinct classes for thorough comparison and evaluation, with accompanying user recommendations; introducing stabilization and correction strategies to improve the accuracy of Shapley value approximations consistently; and creating the open-source shapr package for R and Python to ensure that these advancements are accessible to researchers and practitioners.

Adjudication committee:

  • Professor Marvin Wright, University of Bremen 

  • Associate professor Inga Strümke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 

  • Associate professor Johan Pensar, University of Oslo 


  • Professor Ingrid Kristine Glad, University of Oslo

  • Dr. Martin Jullum, Norwegian Computing Center

  • Dr. Philos Kjersti Aas, Norwegian Computing Center


Lars Henry Berge Olsen

Ingrid Dæhlen from BigInsight successfully defended her thesis

BigInsight congratulates Ingrid Dæhlen from BigInsight and the Department of Mathematics, who successfully defended her thesis "The best of the bad: Precise and robust estimation and model selection" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor on January 31, 2025.

Main research findings:

A model is a mathematical description of some phenomenon. Models can help us predict, understand and shape the world around us. That being said, the world is complex, and the language of mathematics is rigid. This gives models a major flaw. They are almost always wrong. But models work well in practice and are crucial for humans to make sense of the world. This thesis attempts to guide scientists in the search for good models, by deriving ways of evaluating, fitting and ranking candidates without trusting them blindly. This is achieved by formulating precise approximations to the "error" of models, and by studying methods for fitting wrong models in the best possible way.

Adjudication committee:

  • Professor Ingrid van Keilegom, University of Leuven

  • Associate Professor Kristoffer Herland Hellton, OsloMet

  • Associate Professor David Ruiz Banos, University of Oslo


  • Associate Professor Ingrid Hobæk Haff, Universitetet i Oslo

  • Professor Nils Lid Hjort, Universitetet i Oslo

Ingrid Dæhlen


BigInsight congratulates Simon Boge Brant and the department of Mathematics, who successfully defended his thesis “Selected topics in regression with a binary outcome: Fraud detection, and applications of copulas to logistic regression” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor on November 8th, 2024.

Main research findings:

The thesis concerns different topics that all are related to logistic regression - models for the log-odds where inference is based on a (Bernoulli) likelihood for the conditional distribution of the outcome given covariates. Three papers make up the thesis. The first of these discusses a fraud detection problem, which we summarise in terms of a loss function, and discuss strategies for finding suitable models that approximately minimise this function. In both the second and third papers we present new models, and algorithms for fitting these. In the first of these we construct a boosting algorithm where the base learners are copula-based regression models (Noh et al., 2013; Chang and Joe, 2019), and in the last paper we present an extension of the linear logistic regression model, which is constructed through an R-vine based extension of a discriminant analysis analogue of the linear logistic regression model.

Adjudication committee:

  • Professor Thomas Nagler, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 

  • Professor Bart Baesens, KU Leuven 

  • Professor Geir Storvik, University of Oslo


  • Associate Professor Ingrid Hobæk Haff, University of Oslo

  • Associate Professor Riccardo De Bin, University of Oslo

Simon Boge Brant

Nye videoer ute om XAI-verktøyet eXplego

Har du laget en maskinlæringsmodell og sliter med å skjønne hva modellen egentlig legger vekt på? eXplego er et enkelt verktøy som hjelper deg som data scientist eller KI-utvikler med å velge en forklaringsmetode som faktisk gir deg svar på det du vil forklare. Verktøyet består av et interaktivt trediagram, der du blir guidet frem til en forklaringsmetode ved å svare på spørsmål om ditt forklaringsbehov.

 Det finnes en versjon på norsk og en litt mer teknisk versjon på engelsk.

Videoene er av: Jacob Sjødin (NAV), Martin Jullum (NR), Robindra Prabhu (NAV), Wivi Eilertsen (NAV) og Tore Græsdal (NAV). Produsent: Arild Stenbæk (NAV).

Arnoldo Frigessi awarded NORA's Lifetime achievement Award

Congratulations to BigInsight’s co-director Arnoldo Frigessi for being honoured with the NORA Lifetime achievement Award!

The NORA (Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium) Lifetime achievement Award recognises an individual affiliated with a Norwegian institution who has made profound contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence, influencing the work of many others and helping to shape the state of the art.

The NORA Award Committee said that Arnoldo Frigessi has an outstanding publication record, he is the director of Integreat, has been the director of two SFIs (including BigInsight!), and has supervised more than 40 Phd students. Arnoldo has contributed to important research in AI and has been influential in Norway and internationally through leading research centers and educating students.

As Arnoldo puts it himself: “For a better world, Statistics and Machine Learning, academics, opinions with a colour“!

Clara Bertinelli Salucci from BigInsight successfully defended her thesis

BigInsight congratulates Clara Bertinelli Salucci from BigInsight and the the Department of Mathematics, who successfully defended her thesis "Advancing data-driven diagnostics and prognostics for lithium-ion batteries: A focus on model interpretability and accuracy" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor on April 19, 2024.

Main research findings:
Machine Learning techniques are transforming industries, yet their opaque decision-making poses challenges, especially in safety-critical applications like lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. Li-ion batteries are pivotal in driving sustainable transportation but are also associated with hazards, as seen in incidents such as explosions leading to particularly intense fire. Traditional testing methods for battery health are costly and disruptive. My research addresses this issue by integrating data-driven methodologies within the Battery Management Systems (BMS). These algorithms, utilising sensor data, offer an efficient monitoring of battery health and remaining life, enabling both diagnostics and prognostics. By achieving a delicate balance between interpretability and prediction accuracy, they may enhance battery performance and durability while mitigating risks associated with degradation. Moreover, the methodologies developed in this research hold promise for broader applications beyond battery diagnostics, including fields like biostatistics. By bridging the gap between interpretability and prediction accuracy, these methods offer versatile solutions for addressing complex data challenges across various domains.

Adjudication committee:

  • Professor Emeritus Bo Henry Lindquist, NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Professor Sören Ehlers, Hamburg University of Technology

  • Associate Professor Thordis Thorarinsdottir, University of Oslo


  • Associate Professor Riccardo De Bin, University of Oslo

  • Professor Ingrid Kristine Glad, University of Oslo

  • Azzeddine Bakdi

  • Associate Professor Erik Vanem, University of Oslo

Ingrid Glad vinner Sverdrupprisen som "en fremragende representant for statistikkfaget"

Ingrid Glad. Foto: UiO.

Ingrid Glad, som er co-director i BigInsight, blir tildelt Sverdrupprisen som “en fremragende representant for statistikkfaget”.

Sverdrupprisen er en norsk forskningspris til minne om Erling Sverdrup. Prisen deles ut av Norsk statistisk forening. Prisen kan deles ut hvert år, men har hittil blitt delt ut under det Norske statistikermøtet, som finner sted i oddetallsår. Det deles ut to priser:

  • til en fremragende representant for statistikkfaget

  • til unge forskere (under 40 år) med beste artikkel

Hver av prisene består av et diplom og et stipend på kr 10 000.

Podkast med BigInsights Lars Henry Berge Olsen: "Fra BigInsight til Alan Turing-instituttet: En forklaring av forklaringer"

Lars Henry Berge Olsen er til vanlig PhD-student ved BigInsight og Universitetet i Oslo, og akkurat nå er han ved Alan Turing-instituttet i London. Vi snakker om hva Alan Turing-instituttet er og om Lars' egen forskning på forklarbar kunstig intelligens, som kan ligne litt på en diskusjon om hvordan en bør dele taxi-regninga.

Hør episoden i podkasten Sannsynligvis VIKTIG.

BigInsight Celebration Day was fun!

As BigInsight is approaching its final year, it was time to celebrate ourselves and our achievements. The invitational BigInsight Celebration Day took place in the beautiful Georg Sverdrups hus at the University of Oslo, on November 17, 2023. We learned from some of our successes, discussed how we have merged innovation and science, looked to the future and mingled with the BigInsight family.

Erlend Wiland-Evensen, chairman of the BigInsight board

Camilla Stoltenberg, the former head of FHI (the Norwegian Institute of Public Health) praised BigInsight’s substantial efforts with the modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Please see the video from Camilla Stoltenberg below.

Gunnar Rø (FHI) followed up with a talk on experiences from modelling the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.

Idris Eckley, distinguished professor at Lancaster University and the chair of BigInsight’s Scientific Advisory Committee, also praised BigInsight’s work: «There have been fantastic contributions in terms of fundamental research, making an impact on important industrial challenges, and helping society, especially given the prominent role the people within the BigInsights team played during the pandemic.»

The two research partners NR and UiO were represented by their respective leaders, André Teigland (CEO) and Svein Stølen (Rector), who agreed were much on the importance of centers like these.

Svein Stølen, rector UiO

The strong connection between research and innovation was further demonstrated by four panels talks where an important BigInsight paper was presented, and the related innovation was discussed broadly. The talks and panels included Kjersti Aas (NR), Cathrine Pihl Lyngstad (NAV), Erlend Willand-Evensen (Gjensidige), Karl Aksel Festø (DNB), Morten Stakkeland (ABB), Erik Vanem (DNV), Martin Tveten (NR), Ingrid Glad (UiO), Alvaro Köhn-Luque (UiO) and Vessela N. Kristensen (UiO), Håvard Kvamme (Abelee). The four papers were:

  • «Explaining individual predictions when features are dependent: More accurate approximations to Shapley values». Artificial Intelligence (2021)

  • «Predicting mortgage default using convolutional neural networks». Expert Systems with Applications (2018)

  • «Scalable changepoint and anomaly detection in cross-correlated data with an application to condition monitoring». Annals of Applied Statistics (2022)

  • «Toward Personalized Computer Simulation of Breast Cancer Treatment: A Multiscale Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model Informed by Multitype Patient». Cancer Research (2019)

Martin Tveten

Alvaro Köhn-Luque

Morten Stakkeland

Arnoldo Frigessi, who has been an instrumental director of BigInsight until recently (he is now director of Integreat – Norwegian Centre for Knowledge-driven Machine Learning), received many kind words and gratitude for his efforts as director of BigInsight.

Arnoldo Frigessi and Anders Løland

Finally, Anders Løland (director of BigInsight) finished off by reminding ourselves that some work remains to be done in the centre in 2024, and that BigInsight’s legacy will live far beyond 2024.

Klare for å levere toppforskning og innovasjon innen kunstig intelligens

Som ledere for tre av Norges fremste forskningssentre innen kunstig intelligens var det naturlig for oss å være tilstede når statsminister Støre og forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister Borch la fram regjeringens nye strategi for kunstig intelligens støttet opp med målrettet finansiering på 1 milliard over 5 år.

Støre og Borch la fram ambisiøse mål for utvikling av framtidas kunstig intelligens som er trygg, pålitelig, presis og effektiv, og som vil ha enorm betydning for liv og helse og samfunnet forøvrig, for innovasjon i næringslivet og offentlig sektor, og for utdanning på alle nivåer for å ruste Norge for framtidas muligheter og utfordringer. 

Vi står klare til å levere toppforskning og innovasjon innen kunstig intelligens på høyeste nivå for bidra på en sentral måte i dette nasjonale løftet.

Vi er optimistiske på at vi skal klare å levere store resultater raskt for å bidra til nyskaping, helse, demokrati, bærekraft, til nytte for jorda vi lever på og for en bedre fordeling av ressurser.

Våre sentre, generøst finansiert av Norges forskningsråd, UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Universitetet i Oslo, og våre partnere, er klare for å katalysere dette taktskiftet fra KI som vi i noen tilfeller ikke forstår godt nok eller kontrollerer godt nok, til KI som en ressurs som vi utnytter som en instrument for bedre liv for alle. Vi kommer til å jobbe utrettelig, fra våre toppforskere til våre yngste studenter, i samarbeid, med kompetanse, med mot, "drive" og entusiasme!

BigInsight, ved senterleder Anders Løland Tlf. 470 83 894

Integreat, ved senterleder Arnoldo Frigessi                  Tlf. 957 35 574

Visual Intelligence, ved senterleder Robert Jenssen    Tlf. 416 99 612