Arnoldo Frigessi awarded NORA's Lifetime achievement Award

Congratulations to BigInsight’s co-director Arnoldo Frigessi for being honoured with the NORA Lifetime achievement Award!

The NORA (Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium) Lifetime achievement Award recognises an individual affiliated with a Norwegian institution who has made profound contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence, influencing the work of many others and helping to shape the state of the art.

The NORA Award Committee said that Arnoldo Frigessi has an outstanding publication record, he is the director of Integreat, has been the director of two SFIs (including BigInsight!), and has supervised more than 40 Phd students. Arnoldo has contributed to important research in AI and has been influential in Norway and internationally through leading research centers and educating students.

As Arnoldo puts it himself: “For a better world, Statistics and Machine Learning, academics, opinions with a colour“!