Location: Hagen 1+2 room, Forskningsparken
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Elana Fertig, Associate Professor of Oncology and Applied Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Director of the Sydney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, and Dr. Francesca Buffa, Associate Professor, Computational Biology and Integrative Genomics, Department of Oncology, CRUK/MRC Institute, University of Oxford, will be the guest speakers of our upcoming Sven Furberg Seminar in Bioinformatics and Statistical Genomics.
Dr. Elana Fertig's lecture: "Uncovering hidden sources of transcriptional dysregulation arising from inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity."
Dr. Francesca Buffa's lecture: "In-silico modelling of the tumour microenvironment."
Meeting the speakers
If you want to meet Dr. Elana Fertig, please book a time slot at https://doodle.com/poll/mb9uvt9e3i8c7erd and send an email to anthony.mathelier@ncmm.uio.no.
Available times to meet Dr. Francesca Buffa will be available soon.
Full details about the seminar can be found here: https://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/english/research/networks/clsi/seminars/elana-fertig-francesca-buffa.html.
Dr. Elana Fertig
Dr. Francesca Buffa