The lunch starts at 12:00, and the talk will start around 12:20.
NB: Wednesday BigInsight Lunches are open to staff and students from any of the BigInsight partners, including UiO, but not to others.
Speaker: Fredrik Gregersen, Senior Research Economist, TØI
Location: Spiseriet at Norsk Regnesentral.
Title: Registry data in travel behavior research: The case of commuting
Abstract: The relationship between workplace, urban commuting and distance. Specialized to longer commute?
Knowledge about commuting is vital in urban planning. This paper analyses factors that influence commute distance. We apply both traditional survey data and aggregated registry data. There are several factors that have to be considered when analysing commuting distance – one of them being the level of education of the commuters. Few studies discuss how the level of specialization of the worker influence commuting distance. This paper is a contribution to the literature shedding light on both education and specialization as well as other factors. We propose the hypothesis that the more specialized an enterprise, the further people will commute, and commuting distance will be less related to education per se. Based on the analysis we do not reject the hypothesis. The analysis also indicates that females commute shorter distances than male workers.