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WEDNESDAY lunch: Azzeddine Bakdi

The lunch starts at 12:00, and the talk will start around 12:20.

NB: Wednesday BigInsight Lunches are open to staff and students from any of the BigInsight partners, including UiO, but not to others.

Speaker: Azzeddine Bakdi, Postdoc, Statistics and Data Science, UiO

Location: Spiseriet at Norsk Regnesentral.

Title: Multiple vessel collision and grounding risk identification through historical AIS data and adaptive safety domains.

Abstract: The growth in maritime traffic and recent technological development of autonomous navigation systems have induced an increasing attention to navigational safety in which new tools are required to automatically identify risky and complex navigation situations to avoid disastrous consequences and promote safety. Smart technology for autonomous navigation however needs to be evaluated and very extensively tested against realistic situations before autonomous vessels might be certified for sailing. In this work, real historical big maritime data sources (AIS, vessel registry, weather, maps, sea levels/ states, etc.) are investigated to identify likely situations of high risk and complexity to design a complete set of test bed scenarios for autonomous vessel evaluation. Collision, grounding, and combined risks are automatically identified from data through the design of maneuverability-dependent adaptive ship-safety-domains with spatial risk functions. The high efficiency ensures real implementation for multiple vessel risk identification over a large scale in space and time, with a promising performance that allows for risk prediction and complexity analysis against multi-criteria conflicting and uncertain navigation rules.


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