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TUESDAY Statistics Seminar: Johan Pensar

Speaker: Johan Pensar, University of Helsinki (FIN) - University of Oslo (NOR)  

Location: Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor   

Title: A Bayesian Approach for Estimating Causal Effects from Observational Data

Abstract: We present a Bayesian method for the challenging task of estimating causal effects from passively observed data when the underlying causal DAG structure is unknown. To capture the inherent uncertainty associated with the estimate, our method builds a Bayesian posterior distribution of the linear causal effect, by integrating Bayesian linear regression and averaging over DAGs. For computing the exact posterior for all cause-effect variable pairs, we give an algorithm that runs in time $O(3^d d)$ for $d$ variables, being feasible up to 20 variables. We also give a variant that computes the posterior probabilities of all pairwise ancestor relations within the same time complexity, significantly improving the fastest previous algorithm. In simulations, our method performs favorably against previous methods in estimation accuracy, especially for small sample sizes.

Contact Information:
Riccardo De Bin – debin@math.uio.no
Riccardo Parviero – riccarpa@math.uio.no

Tidligere arrangement: 28. januar
TUESDAY Statistics Seminar: Kristoffer H. Hellton
Senere arrangement: 13. februar
THURSDAY Biostatistics Seminar: Jan Beyersmann