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TUESDAY Statistics Seminar: Haakon Bakka

Speaker: Haakon Bakka, KAUST (KSA) - University of Oslo (NOR)

Location: Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor

Title: Application-driven model development in space and space-time using the INLA-SPDE approach​

Abstract: In this talk I give an overview of my research before I came to UiO. First, I will guide you through some applications that have motivated our methodology. Then I introduce you to two powerful frameworks, INLA for fast Bayesian inference, and the SPDE approach for good mathematical model building. I will show how we used these frameworks to work on applications and methodology. Applications include ecology, landslides, and disease mapping. Methodology focuses on the Barrier models, and a new class of non-separable space-time models extending the spatial Matern fields. INLA: Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations. SPDE: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.​

Contact Information:
Riccardo De Bin – debin@math.uio.no
Riccardo Parviero – riccarpa@math.uio.no

Tidligere arrangement: 19. februar
WEDNESDAY lunch: Mustafa Adam