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WEDNESDAY LUNCH - Kristoffer Herland Hellton and Martin Tveten

The talk starts at 12:15.

Speakers: Kristoffer Herland Hellton and Martin Tveten (NR)

Title: Real-time overheating detection in marine propulsion motors

Location: Norsk Regnesentral and Teams.


Overheating of propulsion motors in marine vessels may have catastrophic consequences both economically and safety-wise. Thermal protection in marine electrical propulsion motors is commonly implemented by installing temperature sensors on the windings of the motor. An alarm is issued once the temperature reaches the alarm limit, while the motor shuts down once the trip limit is reached. Field experience shows , however, that this protection scheme in some cases is insufficient, as the motor may already be damaged before reaching the trip limit. We have developed statistical methodology to detect overheating, based on past data collected from a class of identical vessels, complying with real-time requirements of the on-board protective systems with minimal need for memory and computational power. Our proposed overheating detection algorithm follows a two-stage procedure: 1) first it predicts the temperature in a normal state based on linear regression with exponentially smoothing to account for time dynamics, 2) then it identifies and monitors temperature deviations between the observed and predicted temperatures using an adaptive cumulative sum (CUSUM) method. We show using data from a real fault case that the monitor is able to alert the failure up to 60-90 minutes before it occurs, detecting the emerging fault at temperatures well below current fixed alarm limits.

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Best regards,
Thea Roksvåg and Lars Henry Berge Olsen.