We are pleased to invite you to the next seminar within our traditional Seminar series in Statistics and Data Science
Speaker: Per Mykland and Lan Zhang, Professors at University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Oslo
Title: The Five Trolls under the Bridge - Principal Component Analysis with Asynchronous and Noisy High Frequency Data
When? TUESDAY, 06.09.2022, 14:15-15:15
Where? Erling Svedrups plass and Zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/69350491764?pwd=ZTFFK2VUTWRJYkZXTjVDYTd5OUhUdz09
We develop a principal component analysis (PCA) for high frequency data. As in the fairy tales, there are trolls waiting for the explorer. The first three trolls are market microstructure noise, asynchronous sampling times, and edge effects in estimators. To get around these, a robust estimator of the spot covariance matrix is developed based on the Smoothed TSRV. The fourth troll is how to pass from estimated time-varying covariance matrix to PCA. Under finite dimensionality, we develop this methodology through the estimation of realized spectral functions. Rates of convergence and central limit theory, as well as an estimator of standard error, are established. The fifth troll is high dimension on top of high frequency, where we also develop PCA. With the help of a new identity concerning the spot principal orthogonal complement, the high-dimensional rates of convergence have been studied after eliminating several assumptions in classical PCA. As an application, we show that our first principal component (PC) closely matches but potentially outperforms the S&P 100 market index. From a statistical standpoint, the close match between the first PC and the market index also corroborates this PCA procedure and the underlying S-TSRV matrix, in the sense of Karl Popper. (With Dachuan Chen.)
Best regards,
Sven Ove Samuelsen & Aliaksandr Hubin
Lan Zhang