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1st Oslo Invitational Workshop on Model-Agnostic Explainable AI

Dear all BigInsighters  

Thursday, September 12th, Integreat and BigInsight organize the 1st Oslo Invitational Workshop on Model-Agnostic Explainable AI at Norsk Regnesentral, Blindern, Oslo. 

Top national and international researchers in the field are on the speaker list, and we are looking forward to day full of great presentation, fruitful discussion and knowledge sharing.

The workshop will have a methodology session aimed at researchers, and an application session aimed at practitioners. It is possible to attend both or just one of the two. 

For more information, please see the tentative program.

Register here! Limited number of places – first served, first come.

On behalf of the organizing team,
Martin Jullum
Senior Research Scientist
Norwegian Computing Center

Tidligere arrangement: 27. juni
OCBE Biostatistics Seminar: Alan Hubbard