KiS KunstiSkolen 3. mai 2017 BigInsight in the news KiS KunstiSkolen 3. mai 2017 "Roboten gir lån hvis den får gode vibrasjoner fra kontoen din"
KiS KunstiSkolen 2. mai 2017 SSB wishes to join BigInsight KiS KunstiSkolen 2. mai 2017 SSB (Statistics Norway), represented by Anders Holmberg and Øyvind Langsrud, met several of the BigInsight partners and co-directors in a meeting at Norwegian Computing Centre. SSB is considering joining BigInsight as partner.
KiS KunstiSkolen 4. april 2017 BigInsight Annual Report 2016 KiS KunstiSkolen 4. april 2017 The Annual Report 2016 has been submitted to Norwegian Research Council and can be viewed here.
KiS KunstiSkolen 6. februar 2017 Organizational changes in BigInsight KiS KunstiSkolen 6. februar 2017 Dear All in BigInsight. Hope you are having an exciting start of 2017!I wish to inform you about a few changes in our organization.
KiS KunstiSkolen 24. januar 2017 Forskningsrådet: Klart for ny utlysning for offentlig sektor-ph.d. KiS KunstiSkolen 24. januar 2017 Nå er det klart for en ny Offentlig sektor-ph.d. utlysning. Onsdag 25. januar arrangeres informasjonsmøte om ordningen og selve utlysningen er åpen fra 1. februar. Les mer
KiS KunstiSkolen 6. januar 2017 Course on statistical analysis of high frequency data continues in Week 2 KiS KunstiSkolen 6. januar 2017 20 persons attended the first lecture of the intensive course held by Big Insight's guests Per Mykland and Lan Zhang on 5th January.
KiS KunstiSkolen 27. oktober 2016 BigInsight Day 2016 KiS KunstiSkolen 27. oktober 2016 The yearly BigInsight Workshop was held on Monday 24th October at Telenor Expo, Fornebu.
KiS KunstiSkolen 21. oktober 2016 Presentation of the Scientific Advisory Committee KiS KunstiSkolen 21. oktober 2016 The SAC committee consists of 5 international members and meets in Oslo every second year. Next meeting is 3 days in October 2016.
KiS KunstiSkolen 17. oktober 2016 2016 Norsk Regnesentral Prize for the best master thesis KiS KunstiSkolen 17. oktober 2016 Congratulations to Solveig Engebretsen who won the prize for the best master thesis in mathematics and computer science at UiO in 2016.
KiS KunstiSkolen 14. september 2016 Welcome to BigInsight's Autumn 2016! KiS KunstiSkolen 14. september 2016 Dear all BigInsight friends, welcome back after a hopefully relaxing and inspiring summer! The next months are full of events.