2018 black-box seminars: Personalised explanations of personalised predictions

Dear all Big Insighters,
Big Insight has a new innovation objective called "AI – Explanation & Law". We have planned three so-called black-box seminars on personalised explanations of personalised predictions. The seminars is for BigInsight partners only and will be held at Norwegian Computing Centre, Alfa/Omega.

September 12, 9:00-11:00:
"Personalised explanations – what is it and why should we care about it?"

October 10, 9:00-11:00:
"Personalised predictions: Ethics, anonymization, ownership of data and
making data public"

November 16, 9:00-11:00:
"Methods for personalised explanations"

See the enclosed, preliminary program for details. Registration is not necessary.

Big welcome!


PhD/Postdoc workshop at Klækken, October 2018

The statistics groups at the University of Oslo and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences invite all PhD students and postdocs within statistics in the Oslo region to a 2-day workshop.

Time and place: October 12th, 2018 - October 13th, 2018, Klækken Hotell.

The workshop will start before lunch on Friday October 12th  and it will end around lunch time Saturday October 13th  (with lunch included both days). 

Travel from Oslo and the stay at Klækken hotell (www.klaekken.no) will be covered by the individual institutions.

At the workshop the PhD students are expected to give a 10-20 minutes presentation of their ongoing research, the aim being to strengthen the professional communication between the group of PhD students. Postdocs who want to present their work are also welcome to do so.

Registration for the workshop has deadline September 1st. Registration is here https://skjema.uio.no/100421

Best wishes,
Magne Thoresen and Vera Djordjilovic

Norsk studie: Likhet i smerteterskel mellom venner

BigInsight PhD student Solveig Engebretsen’s paper on a network analysis of pain on NRK!



En ny norsk studie tyder på at det er sammenheng mellom hvor mye smerte folk tåler og hvilke venner de har.

SMERTE: Vennegjengen har noe å si for smertetoleransen. Her vrir Starts Adnan Hadzic seg i smerte etter en takling under kampen mot Lillestrøm i april.Foto: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

SMERTE: Vennegjengen har noe å si for smertetoleransen. Her vrir Starts Adnan Hadzic seg i smerte etter en takling under kampen mot Lillestrøm i april.
Foto: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

New UiO master in data science: many applicants show the importance to strengthen data science education further

UiO offers for the first time a master study in data science. This is a collaboration between the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science. BigInsight supports the studies and will be involved in the master projects. 222 applicants wish to study data science, and 133 as first choice. We are not surprised: there is a dramatic need for data science competence in Norway and the job as a data scientist is rewarding and ... a great fun!




Do you need data science advice, and you are a UiO researcher or PhD student?

Is your research ready for data science? Do you want to use state-of-the-art data science methods in your analysis? We have a data science advisory team for you!

We at DataScience@UiO are a team of PhD students and senior researchers from the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Informatics, and from Sirius and BigInsight,  who have expertise in advanced data analytics, such as statistical modeling, machine learning algorithms, formal reasoning, data access etc.  We provide 1 – 2 hours of free face – to – face consultation for all employees (including PhD students) at UiO.

Click the link below for more details!

Best regards,
Daniel, Summya, Sylvia and Andreas
Ingrid, Ida, Carlo, Arnoldo, Martin, Arild and more


Adding external images to plots - First RLadies Oslo meetup!

A message from the "sister-meetup" RLadies-Oslo:

RLadies-Oslo is a recently initiated chapter of RLadies Global, a community of female R-users dedicated to sharing and contributing to the use of R-statistical software.

RLadies-Oslo will be hosting their first meetup on April 23rd at Teknologihuset, and welcome those who are interested in attending.

In this first meetup, Athanasia Monika Mowinckel will be talking about how to add external images to plots, to help with data visualization. After the talk, there will be time for questions and mingling.


Future meetups are open to anyone wishing to present what they are working on. It does not matter your skill level, just that you want to share how you work. Someone might benefit from your approach, or others might give you pointers on how to improve your work. #RLadies Oslo want this to be an open and including arena, so everyone can learn from each other. Any questions can be sent to Monika directly, or through the meetup (see the link above).


Two PhD positions Statistics UiO - BigInsight

Two new PhD positions offered at Department of Mathematics, UiO / BigInsight - due March 20th.

One position is connected to Statistics Norway on how new, large data sources can improve official statistics:

The other position is related to Bayesian modelling in viral marketing and network analyses:

The positions are for a period of 3 years, with starting date to be agreed upon and as soon as possible.
