Forsvarte doktorgrad på nett: – Som å gifte seg online

Matematikeren Andreas Brandsæter ble den første til å ta digital doktorgradseksamen på Universitetet i Oslo.            

Denne artikkelen er produsert og finansiert av Universitetet i Oslo - les mere her.

Disputas på nett: Bildet viser  hvordan Andreas Brandsæter var rigget for sin store dag. Han vedgår at  prøveforelesningen ble gjennomført i finskjorte og treningsbukser.         (Foto: UiO)    

Disputas på nett: Bildet viser hvordan Andreas Brandsæter var rigget for sin store dag. Han vedgår at prøveforelesningen ble gjennomført i finskjorte og treningsbukser. (Foto: UiO)    

Scientia Fellow II postdoc positions

Four postdoc positions in Biostatistics are offered at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. The positions are each three years appointments.  

Deadline for submission: 30 April 2020
IMPORTANT! Deadline for contacting the UiO PI: 31 March 2020  

SCIENTIA FELLOWS is a transnational research fellowship programme in the field of Health Life Sciences at UiO, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 under the Maria Skłodowska-Curie scheme.  

The purpose of the three years postdoc is to produce scientific results of the highest quality, in collaboration with your host at UiO and its other partners. You will also be part of UiO's career development programme designed for researchers at the beginning of their career, including our Health Innovator course which aims to provide researchers with tools and insight into how innovation can be put to work for the benefit of patients, the healthcare system and society. At completion of your three year term, your academic profile will be such that you can successfully apply to the best research positions worldwide. All four positions will be at the Oslo Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE), UiO, and in collaboration with the Oslo University Hospital.  

*          You possess a PhD degree (at the latest by 1 July 2020) in statistics, biostatistics, mathematics, computer science or other related disciplines with a documented competence in statistics, biostatistics or mathematics.
*          You have not been resident in Norway for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.  

You apply for each position separately, for just one or more. Mention clearly which position you are applying for. See descriptions below.  

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact the corresponding UiO PI by sending her/him an email with your CV and links to your papers as early as possible and by March 31st, 2020. You and your UiO host PI will identify common research interests and discuss the concept of your research proposal. While you are responsible for the research proposal, you will discuss your application via Skype and email, and your host will help you to write a good proposal. Finally, in order to apply for the position, you have to submit the research proposal (and other documents as specified in the call) by April 30th, 2020.  

A Fellow of the Scientia Fellows programme will be employed at UiO for three years. The place of work is the UiO campus in Oslo. The gross salary of a Fellow will amount to 515 200 NOK/year. UiO will cover full health insurance and pay towards your pension with the Norwegian pension fund. As employee in Norway you have several welfare benefits. In addition UiO will support research costs (laptop, travel, courses etc) with 54 600 NOK per year. For further information related to moving and settling in Norway, please visit the website of the International Staff Mobility Office, which will also assist incoming fellows and their families with relocation to UiO. For more information, contact the hosts mentioned below.  

Detailed information and how to apply can be found here:  

Postdoc positions offered:

1. Statistical learning for personalised cancer therapy

UiO PI Host: Manuela Zucknick
Summary: We develop new multivariate (multi-task) methods to improve prediction of drug sensitivity or synergistic effects in drug combinations in large-scale pharmacogenomic screens based on molecular characterization of cancer cell lines and patient samples as well as properties of the drugs. One particular challenge is the integration of multiple heterogeneous data sources, for example via multiple kernel learning.

2. Scalable inference for genomic data integration

UiO PI Hosts: Valeria Vitelli and David Swanson
Summary: The project focuses on scalable statistical methods for the integration and analysis of multi-omic data sources.  We plan development of horizontal (multi-omic) and vertical (meta-analytic) integrative Bayesian clustering methods during project course with intended application to disease subtyping and signature/biomarker discovery.  

3. Biostatistics and/or computational biology in precision medicine and systems pharmacology

UiO PI Hosts: Arnoldo Frigessi and Kjetil Tasken
Summary: To individually tailor new treatments, we have established a laboratory and computational pipeline to test drugs and drug combinations on blood of individual patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma. This project will develop new statistical and machine learning methodologies, algorithms and computational approaches, to predict the efficacy of drugs and drug combinations, including their synergetic power.  

4. Biostatistics and/or bioinformatics in precision medicine for head and neck cancer

Hosts: Arnoldo Frigessi and Eivind Hovig
Summary: This project aims to identify early signals for head and neck cancer, biomarkers for efficacy of treatment, prediction of prognosis of the cancer, at individual level. We will develop new statistical and machine learning methodologies, algorithms and computational approaches, including deep learning based strategies, exploiting one of the largest international collection of data based on clinical trials for this type of cancer, with unique longitudinal follow-up data for survivors.      

Valeria Vitelli
Associate Professor
Oslo Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology,
Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo, Norway  


Data Science Day 2019

BigInsight, SIRIUS and DataScience@UiO welcome the Data Science community to the third annual Data Science Day.

Time and place: Data Science Day 2019 Oct. 16, 2019 5:30 PM–10:00 PM, The Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus Add to calendar

On 16 October BigInsight, SIRIUS, and DataScience@UiO welcome the data science community to an evening of socialisation, learning and entertainment. 

This year, we have three exciting talks lined up. Christos Dimitrakakis and Geir Storvik from the University of Oslo, and Lauren Edelson from Workplace by Facebook will talk about different aspects of data science. Before and after the talks we gather in the Science Library foyer for mingling and refreshments.

Continuing the success from the last two years, we invite interested parties from industry to set up stands where they can present themselves to the rest of our guests. Our goal is to bring all parts of the data science community together for a unique networking opportunity.

Data Science Day is an event for everyone, whether you are familiar with data science practices, or you are simply curious what data science is all about.

The event is free, open for all audiences, and requires no registration. There will be served some food, snacks and soft drinks.


17:30 Doors open, finger food and soft drinks served
18:00 "Social aspects of AI: Privacy, Fairness and Safety" by Christos Dimitrakakis
18:30 "On the use of Bayesian methods in machine learning" by Geir Storvik
19:00 "How to Use Data to Reduce Bias" by Lauren Edelson
20:00 Socialisation and refreshments




Algoritmer skal avsløre svindlerne

Smarte forskere, big data og nye algoritmer skal hjelpe Gjensidige med å avsløre svindel. Alt for å gjøre prosessene enklere for de ærlige kundene.
Les artikkelen i Finansfokus her.

BIG DATA: Gjensidige sitter på masse informasjon om kundene sine. Nå skal de bruke disse dataene til å avsløre svindlere. –Med dagens teknologi, der kundene skal ordne veldig mye selv, må vi finne nye måter å avsløre dem som er i risikogruppen for å…

BIG DATA: Gjensidige sitter på masse informasjon om kundene sine. Nå skal de bruke disse dataene til å avsløre svindlere. –Med dagens teknologi, der kundene skal ordne veldig mye selv, må vi finne nye måter å avsløre dem som er i risikogruppen for å bedrive svik, sier Erlend Willand-Evensen og Ole Hermansen.