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The lunch at NR starts at 12:00, while the talk starts at 12:15.

Please note that due to COVID-19, the participants can watch the streamed talk on Teams/zoom with a link (below).

Speaker: Henri Pesonen (UiO)

Location: Spiseriet (next to the canteen at Norsk Regnesentral) and Zoom.

Title:  ABC of the Future

Abstract: Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has advanced in two decades from a seminal idea to a practically applicable inference tool for simulator-based statistical models, which are becoming increasingly popular in many research domains. The computational feasibility of ABC for practical applications has been recently boosted by adopting techniques from machine learning to build surrogate models for the approximate likelihood or posterior and by the introduction of a general-purpose software platform with several advanced features, including automated parallelization. Here we demonstrate the strengths of the advances in ABC by considering real world applications instead of the standard benchmark problems. We anticipate that the emerging success of ABC in producing actual added value and quantitative insights in the real world will continue to inspire a plethora of further applications across different fields of science, social science and technology.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 631 9959 5088
Passcode: 302551

Best regards,
Thea Roksvåg and Lars Henry Berge Olsen.