Welcome to the next seminar within our traditional
Seminar series in Statistics and Data Science
Speaker: Paolo Giordani, Professor of Financial Econometrics, BI
Title: SMARTboost for Tabular Data
When? TUESDAY, 15.03.2021, 14:15-15:15
Where? Erling Svedrups plass and Zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/68227870839?pwd=SDRobDVrNU9xUDVyM3Zvc0wyeUwrQT09
We introduce SMARTboost (boosting of symmetric smooth additive regression trees), a machine learning model capable of fitting complex functions in high dimensions, yet designed for good performance in small n and low signal-to-noise environments. SMARTboost inherits many of the qualities that have made boosted trees the most widely used machine learning tool for tabular data; it automatically adjusts model complexity, handles continuous and discrete features, can capture nonlinear functions in high dimensions without overfitting, performs variable selection, and can handle highly non-Gaussian features. The combination of smooth symmetric trees and of carefully designed Bayesian priors gives SMARTboost an edge (in comparison with a state-of-the-art tool like XGBoost) in most settings with continuous and mixed discrete-continuous features. Unlike other tree-based methods, it can also compute marginal effects.
Best regards,
Sven Ove Samuelsen & Aliaksandr Hubin