Welcome to our three BigInsight mini-workshops

Welcome to our three BigInsight mini-workshops on three themes which are important across many of our projects:

Networks!  Friday 30 September, from 10:00 to 12:00 at NR, room Alfa-Omega
Anomalies detection! Monday 10 October, from 13:00 to 15:00 at Matematisk Institutt, 12th floor, room 1259 Abels utsikt
Clicking data! Friday 14 October, from 13:00 to 15:00 at NR, room Alfa-Omega

Each workshop starts from the needs of actual BigInsight projects, identifies the questions and objectives which are connected to the theme of the workshop, looks to the state-of-the-art and identifies specific challenges, and touches on possible ideas. We will not be afraid of being technical, though intuition will always offer a helpful hand. There will be good time for discussion.

A precise programme for each workshop will be ready soon and sent to all.

If you are already quite expert in these areas (from an applied or methodological point of view), if you started to think and work on these themes, or if you plan to work in these areas, you are welcomed to join. Presentations will try to be at a higher level, so that no area knowledge will be needed. Indeed, we wish to use these workshops to speak to each other across borders.

Language will be Norwegian or English, as needed.

Workshops are reserved for members of BigInsight and do not require any registration, please just join.

If you need information please contact frigessi@medisin.uio.no.